International Women's Day | Recent Supreme Court Judgments Uphold Women's Rights on International Women's Day

Aves Saify
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    On International Women's Day, it is crucial to reflect on the strides that have been made towards gender equality, and the progress that still needs to be made. In India, the Supreme Court has played a significant role in upholding women's rights through recent landmark judgments.

    Here are some of the significant Supreme Court judgments that have upheld women's rights in recent times:

    Marital Rape not a Criminal Offence

    The Supreme Court has recognized that marital rape is a violation of a woman's right to dignity and privacy. The court ruled that the exception to rape in marriage is not valid and has been struck down as unconstitutional.

    Women Can Serve in Command Positions in the Army

    The Supreme Court has recognized that women officers in the Indian Army are entitled to the same opportunities as their male counterparts. The court ruled that women can serve in command positions and cannot be denied permanent commission or pensions.

    Equal Pay for Equal Work

    The Supreme Court has upheld the principle of equal pay for equal work. The court ruled that temporary employees are entitled to the same wages as permanent employees if they perform the same work.

    Widow's Right to Inherit Property

    The Supreme Court has recognized a widow's right to inherit her deceased husband's property, even if the property was acquired by him before marriage. The court ruled that a widow's right to inherit is not dependent on the nature of the property or the time of acquisition.

    Live-in Relationships

    The Supreme Court has recognized live-in relationships as a legitimate form of marriage. The court ruled that if a man and woman have cohabited for a long period, they will be presumed to be married unless proven otherwise.

    These recent Supreme Court judgments are a step forward in upholding women's rights in India. They recognize that women have the same rights as men and cannot be discriminated against on the basis of gender.

    However, there is still a long way to go in achieving gender equality. Women continue to face discrimination and violence, and it is essential to continue the fight for their rights.


    On International Women's Day, it is crucial to celebrate the progress that has been made in upholding women's rights, while also recognizing the work that still needs to be done. The recent Supreme Court judgments recognizing the rights of women in India are a step in the right direction, but more needs to be done to ensure gender equality. Let us all work towards a future where women's rights are fully recognized and respected.

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