How To Send Gifs In Instagram Post Comments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Uploading Gifs in Instagram Comments

Aves Saify
By -

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. With over 1 billion active users, it has become a hub for businesses and influencers alike to promote their brand and connect with their audience. Instagram is constantly updating its features to make the platform more interactive and engaging for its users. One of the recent features that Instagram has introduced is the ability to upload gifs in comments. In this blog post, we will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to upload gifs in Instagram comments and how you can use them to boost your engagement.

What are Gifs and Why are they Important?

Gifs, short for Graphics Interchange Format, are animated images that are commonly used on social media platforms. They are a great way to express emotions and convey a message. Gifs are popular because they are more engaging and visually appealing than static images. According to Giphy, a popular gif search engine, users send over 2 billion gifs every day. Gifs are an effective way to increase engagement on social media because they are eye-catching and grab the attention of users.

How to Upload Gifs in Instagram Comments?

Uploading gifs in Instagram comments is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Open the Instagram App

The first step is to open the Instagram app on your phone. Ensure that you are logged in to your account.

Step 2: Select the Post

Choose the post on which you want to add a comment with a gif. You can select any post, whether it’s your own or someone else’s.

Step 3: Tap on the Comment Icon

The next step is to tap on the comment icon that appears below the post. This will open the comments section.

Step 4: Tap on the Gif Icon

To add a gif in the comment, tap on the gif icon that appears next to the comment box. This will open the gif search bar.

Step 5: Search for the Gif

You can either search for the gif you want to use using keywords or browse through the categories provided. Once you have found the gif you want to use, tap on it.

Step 6: Add the Gif in the Comment

After selecting the gif, tap on the send icon to add it to the comment. You can also add a text comment along with the gif if you want.

Using Gifs to Boost Instagram Engagement

Now that you know how to upload gifs in Instagram comments, let’s take a look at how you can use them to boost your engagement.

Express Emotions

Gifs are a great way to express emotions. They can convey a message better than words and are more engaging than static images. Using gifs in your comments can help you connect with your audience on a more personal level and show them that you are relatable.

Stand Out in a Crowd

Instagram is a crowded platform, and it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. Gifs can help you do just that. Using a gif in your comment can make it more noticeable and increase the chances of your comment being seen and replied to.

Increase Engagement

As we mentioned earlier, gifs are more engaging than static images. Using gifs in your comments can increase the chances of your comment being liked and replied to. When your comments receive more engagement, it can help you increase your reach and visibility on the platform.

Show Personality

Using gifs in your comments can help you show your personality. You can use gifs that are relevant to your brand and reflect your personality. This can help you create a more relatable and authentic image for your brand.

Add Humor

Gifs can be a great way to add humor to your comments. Humor is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your audience and make your brand more relatable. By adding a funny gif in your comment, you can make your audience smile and increase the chances of your comment being shared.

Promote Your Brand

You can also use gifs to promote your brand. By using branded gifs in your comments, you can increase brand awareness and create a more cohesive image for your brand. Branded gifs can also help you stand out from the crowd and make your brand more recognizable.

Spark Conversations

Using a gif in your comment can help you start a conversation with your audience. You can use a gif to ask a question or make a statement that can spark a discussion. This can help you create a more engaged and interactive community on your Instagram page.

Enhance Your Creativity

Gifs can help you enhance your creativity and add a unique touch to your comments. You can use gifs to create a visually appealing comment that can help you stand out and increase engagement. With a wide range of gifs available, you can choose one that best suits your brand and message.

Connect with Influencers

Using gifs in your comments can also help you connect with influencers in your niche. By using a relevant gif in your comment on an influencer's post, you can catch their attention and increase the chances of them noticing your brand. This can help you build relationships with influencers and increase your reach on the platform.


In conclusion, adding gifs to your Instagram comments is a simple and effective way to boost your engagement on the platform. Gifs are visually appealing, engaging, and can help you express emotions and convey your message better than words. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this blog post, you can start adding gifs to your comments today. Additionally, by using gifs creatively, you can stand out from the crowd, promote your brand, and create a more engaged and interactive community on your Instagram page. So, start using gifs in your comments today and take your Instagram engagement to the next level!

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